Source code for Bell_EBM.Map

# Author: Taylor Bell
# Last Update: 2019-02-15

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from . import H2_Dissociation_Routines as h2

[docs] class Map(object): """A map. Attributes: dissValues (ndarray): The H2 dissociation fraction values for the map. lat (ndarray, optional): The unique latitude values in degrees. lat_radians (ndarray, optional): The unique latitude values in radians. latGrid (ndarray): The latitude grid in degrees. latGrid_radians (ndarray): The latitude grid in radians. lon (ndarray, optional): The unique longitude values in degrees. lon_radians (ndarray, optional): The unique longitude values in radians. lonGrid (ndarray): The longitude grid in degrees. lonGrid_radians (ndarray): The longitude grid in radians. nlat (int, optional): The number of latitudinal cells to use for rectangular maps. nlon (int, optional): The number of longitudinal cells to use for rectangular maps. nside (int, optional): A parameter that sets the resolution of healpy maps. pixArea (ndarray): The area of each pixel. time (float): Time of map in days. useHealpix (bool): Whether the planet's map uses a healpix grid. values (ndarray): The temperature map values. """ def __init__(self, values=None, dissValues=None, time=0., nlat=16, nlon=None): """Initialization funciton. Args: values(ndarray, optional): The temperature map values. dissValues(ndarray, optional): The H2 dissociation fraction values for the map. time (float, optional): Time of map in days. nlat (int, optional): The number of latitudinal cells to use for rectangular maps. nlon (int, optional): The number of longitudinal cells to use for rectangular maps. If nlon==None, uses 2*nlat. """ self.time = time self.nlat = int(nlat) if nlon==None: self.nlon = int(2*self.nlat) else: self.nlon = int(nlon) self.npix = int(self.nlat*self.nlon) self.dlat = 180./self.nlat = np.linspace(-90.+self.dlat/2., 90.-self.dlat/2., self.nlat, endpoint=True) latTop = latBot = self.dlon = 360./self.nlon self.lon = np.linspace(-180.+self.dlon/2., 180.-self.dlon/2., self.nlon, endpoint=True) lonRight = self.lon+self.dlon/2. lonLeft = self.lon-self.dlon/2. latArea = np.abs(2.*np.pi*(np.sin(latTop*np.pi/180.)-np.sin(latBot*np.pi/180.))) areas = latArea.reshape(-1,1)*(np.abs(lonRight-lonLeft)/360.).reshape(1,-1) lonGrid, latGrid = np.meshgrid(self.lon, # self.pixArea = areas.reshape(1, -1) # self.latGrid = latGrid.reshape(1, -1) # self.lonGrid = lonGrid.reshape(1, -1) self.pixArea = areas#[np.newaxis,:] self.latGrid = latGrid#[np.newaxis,:] self.lonGrid = lonGrid#[np.newaxis,:] self.lat_radians =*np.pi/180 self.lon_radians = self.lon*np.pi/180 self.latGrid_radians = self.latGrid*np.pi/180. self.lonGrid_radians = self.lonGrid*np.pi/180. if values is not None: if values.size < self.npix: print('Error: Too few map values ('+str(values.size)+'!='+str(self.npix)+')') return None elif values.size > self.npix: print('Error: Too many map values ('+str(values.size)+'!='+str(self.npix)+')') return None else: self.values = values else: self.values = np.zeros_like(self.lonGrid) if dissValues is not None: if dissValues.size < self.npix: print('Error: Too few map values ('+str(dissValues.size)+'!='+str(self.npix)+')') return None elif dissValues.size > self.npix: print('Error: Too many map values ('+str(dissValues.size)+'!='+str(self.npix)+')') return None else: self.dissValues = dissValues else: self.dissValues = np.zeros_like(self.lonGrid)
[docs] def set_values(self, values, time=None, dissValues=None): """Set the temperature map. Args: values (ndarray): The map temperatures (in K) with a size of self.npix. time (float, optional): Time of map in days. dissValues(ndarray, optional): The H2 dissociation fraction values for the map. """ if values.size < self.npix: print('Error: Too few map values ('+str(values.size)+' < '+str(self.npix)+')') return None elif values.size > self.npix: print('Error: Too many map values ('+str(values.size)+' > '+str(self.npix)+')') return None else: if time is not None: self.time = time self.values = values if dissValues is not None: if dissValues.size < self.npix: print('Error: Too few map values ('+str(dissValues.size)+'!='+str(self.npix)+')') return None elif dissValues.size > self.npix: print('Error: Too many map values ('+str(dissValues.size)+'!='+str(self.npix)+')') return None else: self.dissValues = dissValues
[docs] def plot_map(self, refLon=None): """A convenience routine to plot the temperature map Args: refLon (float, optional): The centre longitude used to rotate the map. Returns: figure: The figure containing the plot. """ tempMap = self.values if refLon is not None: rollCount = -(np.where(np.abs(self.lon-refLon) < self.dlon/2.+1e-6)[0][-1]-int(self.lon.size/2.)) tempMap = np.roll(tempMap, rollCount, axis=1) plt.imshow(tempMap, cmap='inferno', extent=(-180,180,-90,90), origin='lower') plt.xlabel(r'$\rm Longitude$') plt.ylabel(r'$\rm Latitude$') plt.xticks([-180,-90,0,90,180]) plt.yticks([-90,-45,0,45,90]) cbar = plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical', fraction=0.05, pad = 0.05, aspect=9) cbar.set_label(r'$\rm Temperature~(K)$') return plt.gcf()
[docs] def plot_H2_dissociation(self, refLon=None): """A convenience routine to plot the H2 dissociation map. Args: refLon (float, optional): The centre longitude used to rotate the map. Returns: figure: The figure containing the plot. """ dissMap = self.dissValues*100. if refLon is not None: rollCount = -(np.where(np.abs(self.lon-refLon) < self.dlon/2.+1e-6)[0][-1]-int(self.lon.size/2.)) dissMap = np.roll(dissMap, rollCount, axis=1) plt.imshow(dissMap, cmap='inferno', extent=(-180,180,-90,90), vmin=0, origin='lower') plt.xlabel(r'$\rm Longitude$') plt.ylabel(r'$\rm Latitude$') plt.xticks([-180,-90,0,90,180]) plt.yticks([-90,-45,0,45,90]) cbar = plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical', fraction=0.05, pad = 0.05, aspect=9) cbar.set_label(r'$\rm Dissociation~Fraction~(\%)$') return plt.gcf()