Source code for Bell_EBM.StarPlanetSystem

# Author: Taylor Bell
# Last Update: 2019-07-03

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.constants as const
import scipy.integrate
import scipy.optimize as spopt
import warnings

from .Star import Star
from .Planet import Planet
from .KeplerOrbit import KeplerOrbit
from . import H2_Dissociation_Routines as h2

[docs] class System(object): """A Star+Planet System. Attributes: star (Bell_EBM.Star): The host star. planet (Bell_EBM.Planet): The planet. """ def __init__(self, star=None, planet=None, neq=False): """Initialization function. Attributes: star (Bell_EBM.Star, optional): The host star. planet (Bell_EBM.Planet, optional): The planet. neq (bool, optional): Whether or not to use non-equilibrium ODE. """ if star is None: = Star() else: = star if planet is None: self.planet = Planet() else: self.planet = planet self.neq = neq if self.planet.plType == 'bell2018' and neq: self.ODE = self.ODE_NEQ else: self.ODE = self.ODE_EQ self.planet.orbit.m1 =
[docs] def get_phase_periastron(self): """Get the orbital phase of periastron. Returns: float: The orbital phase of periastron. """ return self.planet.orbit.phase_periastron
[docs] def get_phase_transit(self): """Get the orbital phase of transit. Returns: float: The orbital phase of transit. """ return 0.
[docs] def get_phase_eclipse(self): """Get the orbital phase of eclipse. Returns: float: The orbital phase of eclipse. """ return self.planet.orbit.phase_eclipse
[docs] def get_phase(self, t): """Get the orbital phase. Args: t (ndarray): The time in days. Returns: ndarray: The orbital phase. """ return self.planet.orbit.get_phase(t)
[docs] def get_teq(self, t=0): """Get the planet's equilibrium temperature. Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days. Returns: ndarray: The planet's equilibrium temperature at time(s) t. """ return 0.25**0.25*self.get_tirr(t)
[docs] def get_tirr(self, t=0.): """Get the planet's irradiation temperature. Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days. Returns: ndarray: The planet's irradiation temperature at time(s) t. """ if self.planet.orbit.e == 0: dist = self.planet.orbit.a*np.ones_like(t) else: dist = self.planet.orbit.distance(t) if type(t) == float or type(t) == int: dist = float(dist) return*np.sqrt(
[docs] def Firr(self, t=0., TA=None, bolo=True, tStarBright=None, wav=4.5e-6): """Calculate the instantaneous irradiation. Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days. TA (ndarray, optional): The true anomaly in radians. bolo (bool, optional): Determines whether computed flux is bolometric (True, default) or wavelength dependent (False). tStarBright (ndarray): The stellar brightness temperature to use if bolo==False. wav (float, optional): The wavelength to use if bolo==False. Returns: ndarray: The instantaneous irradiation. """ # Just grab semi-major axis for circular orbits to speed things up if self.planet.orbit.e == 0: dist = self.planet.orbit.a else: dist = self.planet.orbit.distance(t, TA) firr =, tStarBright, wav)/(np.pi*dist**2) return firr
[docs] def Fin(self, t=0, TA=None, bolo=True, tStarBright=None, wav=4.5e-6): """Calculate the instantaneous incident flux. Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days. TA (ndarray, optional): The true anomaly in radians. bolo (bool, optional): Determines whether computed flux is bolometric (True, default) or wavelength dependent (False). tStarBright (ndarray): The stellar brightness temperature to use if bolo==False. wav (float, optional): The wavelength to use if bolo==False. Returns: ndarray: The instantaneous incident flux. """ return self.Firr(t, TA, bolo, tStarBright, wav)*self.planet.weight(t, TA)
[docs] def lightcurve(self, t=None, T=None, TA=None, bolo=True, tStarBright=None, wav=4.5e-6, allowReflect=True, allowThermal=True, lookup=True): """Calculate the planet's lightcurve (ignoring any occultations). Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days. If None, will use 1000 time steps around orbit. T (ndarray, optional): The temperature map (either shape (1, and constant over time or shape is (t.shape, If None, use instead (default). TA (ndarray, optional): The true anomaly in radians. bolo (bool, optional): Determines whether computed flux is bolometric (True, default) or wavelength dependent (False). tStarBright (ndarray): The stellar brightness temperature to use if bolo==False. wav (float, optional): The wavelength to use if bolo==False. allowReflect (bool, optional): Account for the contribution from reflected light. allowThermal (bool, optional): Account for the contribution from thermal emission. lookup (bool, optional): Use lookup tables to speed up computation of bolometric flux (default=True). Returns: ndarray: The observed planetary flux normalized by the stellar flux. """ if t is None: # Use Prot instead as map would rotate t = self.planet.orbit.t0+np.linspace(0., self.planet.orbit.Prot, 1000) x = t/self.planet.orbit.Prot - np.rint(t[0]/self.planet.orbit.Prot) if type(t)!=np.ndarray or len(t.shape)<3: t = np.array([t]).reshape(-1,1,1) if T is None: T =[np.newaxis,:] if allowThermal: fp = self.planet.Fp_vis(t, T, TA, bolo, wav, lookup=lookup) else: fp = np.zeros_like(t.flatten()) if allowReflect: fRefl = self.Fin(t, None, bolo, tStarBright, wav) fRefl *= self.planet.albedo/self.planet.absorptivity # Get only the reflected portion fRefl = fRefl*self.planet.weight(t, refPos='SOP')**self.planet.rad**2 fRefl = np.sum(fRefl, axis=(1,2)) fp += fRefl return fp/, tStarBright, wav)
[docs] def invert_lc(self, fp_fstar, bolo=True, tStarBright=None, wav=4.5e-6): """Invert the fp/fstar phasecurve into an apparent temperature phasecurve. Args: fp_fstar (ndarray): The observed planetary flux normalized by the stellar flux. bolo (bool, optional): Determines whether computed flux is bolometric (True, default) or wavelength dependent (False). tBright (ndarray): The brightness temperature to use if bolo==False. wav (float, optional): The wavelength to use if bolo==False. Returns: ndarray: The apparent, disk-integrated temperature. """ if bolo: return (fp_fstar**self.planet.rad**2.)/const.sigma_sb.value)**0.25 else: if tStarBright is None: tStarBright = a = const.h.value*const.c.value/(const.k_B.value*wav) b = np.expm1(a/tStarBright) c = 1 + b/(fp_fstar/(self.planet.rad/**2) return a*np.log(c)**-1
[docs] def ODE_EQ(self, t, T, dt, TA=None, Fin=None, lookup=True): """The derivative in temperature with respect to time. This function neglects for the timescale of dissociation/recombination for bell2018 planets. Args: t (float): The time in days. T (ndarray): The temperature map with shape ( dt (float): The time step in days. TA (ndarray, optional): The true anomaly in radians (much faster to compute if provided). Fin (ndarray, optional): The incident stellar flux for each pixel. lookup (bool, optional): Use lookup tables to speed up computation of bolometric flux (default=True). Returns: ndarray: The derivative in temperature with respect to time. """ dt *= 24.*3600. if Fin is None: Fin = self.planet.absorptivity*self.Fin(t, TA)[0] if not callable(self.planet.cp): C = self.planet.C else: if lookup: C = (self.planet.mlDepth*self.planet.mlDensity*self.planet._cps_precomputed[T.astype(int)]) else: if self.planet.cpParams is None: C = (self.planet.mlDepth*self.planet.mlDensity*self.planet.cp(T)) else: C = (self.planet.mlDepth*self.planet.mlDensity*self.planet.cp(T, *self.planet.cpParams)) if self.planet.instRedistFrac!=0: dT_flux = ((1-self.planet.instRedistFrac)*Fin +self.planet.instRedistFrac*np.sum(Fin)/ else: dT_flux = Fin*1. #multiply by 1 to make sure we don't modify the original array if self.planet.internalFlux!=0: dT_flux += self.planet.internalFlux dT_flux = (dT_flux-self.planet.Fout(T, lookup=lookup))*dt/C # advect gas if self.planet.wind_dlon != 0: fMoved = self.planet.wind_dlon*dt T_upWind = T[self.planet.upwindLatIndex,self.planet.upwindLonIndex] dT_adv = (T_upWind-T)*fMoved else: dT_adv = 0 return dT_flux + dT_adv
def _find_dT(self, dT, dE, T0, chi0, plug, cp): """The error function to minimize to find the energy partitioning between dT and dDiss. """ dDiss = h2.dissFracApprox(T0+dT, *self.planet.cpParams)-chi0 dT_diss = dDiss*h2.dissE*plug return (dE-(dT*cp*plug+dT_diss))**2
[docs] def ODE_NEQ(self, t, T, dt, TA=None, Fin=None, lookup=True): """The derivative in temperature with respect to time. This function accounts for the timescale of dissociation/recombination for bell2018 planets. Args: t (float): The time in days. T (ndarray): The temperature map with shape ( dt (float): The timestep in days. TA (ndarray, optional): The true anomaly in radians (much faster to compute if provided). Fin (ndarray, optional): The incident stellar flux for each pixel. lookup (bool, optional): Use lookup tables to speed up computation of bolometric flux (default=True). Returns: ndarray: The derivative in temperature with respect to time. """ dt *= 24.*3600. if Fin is None: Fin = self.planet.absorptivity*self.Fin(t, TA)[0] plug = self.planet.mlDepth*self.planet.mlDensity cp = h2.lte_cp(T, *self.planet.cpParams) if self.planet.instRedistFrac!=0: dEs = ((1-self.planet.instRedistFrac)*Fin +self.planet.instRedistFrac*np.sum(Fin)/ else: dEs = Fin*1. #multiply by 1 to make sure we don't modify the original array if self.planet.internalFlux!=0: dEs += self.planet.internalFlux dEs = (dEs-self.planet.Fout(T, lookup=lookup))*dt C_EQ = self.planet.mlDepth*self.planet.mlDensity*cp dTs = np.zeros_like(T) for i in range(dEs.shape[0]): for j in range(dEs.shape[1]): dTs[i,j] = spopt.minimize(self._find_dT, x0=dEs[i,j]/C_EQ[i,j], args=(dEs[i,j], T[i,j],[i,j], plug, cp[i,j]), tol=0.001*plug*cp[i,j]).x[0] dDiss = h2.dissFracApprox(T+dTs, *self.planet.cpParams) maxDiss = dt*h2.tau_diss(self.planet.mlDepth,T) bad = np.where(dDiss > maxDiss) dDiss[bad] = maxDiss[bad] dTs[bad] = dDiss[bad]*h2.dissE/cp[bad]-dEs[bad]/cp[bad]/plug maxRecomb = -dt*h2.tau_recomb(self.planet.mlDepth,T) bad = np.where(dDiss < maxRecomb) dDiss[bad] = maxRecomb[bad] dTs[bad] = dDiss[bad]*h2.dissE/cp[bad]-dEs[bad]/cp[bad]/plug # advect gas if self.planet.wind_dlon != 0: fMoved = self.planet.wind_dlon*dt T_upWind = T[self.planet.upwindLatIndex,self.planet.upwindLonIndex] chi_upWind =[self.planet.upwindLatIndex,self.planet.upwindLonIndex] dT_adv = (T_upWind-T)*fMoved dChi_adv = (*fMoved else: dT_adv = 0 dChi_adv = 0 += dDiss+dChi_adv return dTs + dT_adv
[docs] def run_model(self, T0=None, t0=0., t1=None, dt=None, verbose=True, intermediates=False, progressBar=False, minTemp=0, lookup=True): """Evolve the planet's temperature map with time. Args: T0 (ndarray): The initial temperature map with shape ( If None, use instead (default). t0 (float, optional): The time corresponding to T0 (default is 0). t1 (float, optional): The end point of the run (default is 1 orbital period later). dt (float, optional): The time step used to evolve the map (default is 1/100 of the orbital period). verbose (bool, optional): Output comments of the progress of the run (default = False)? intermediates (bool, optional): Output the map from every time step? Otherwise just returns the last step. progressBar (bool, optional): Show a progress bar for the run (nice for long runs). minTemp (float, optional): The minimum allowable temperature (can be used to vaguely mimick internal heating). lookup (bool, optional): Use lookup tables to speed up computation of bolometric flux (default=True). Returns: list: A list of 2 ndarrays containing the time and map of each time step. """ if self.planet.wind_dlon*(dt*24*3600) > 0.5: print('Error: Your time step must be sufficiently small so that gas travels less that 0.5 pixels.') dtMax = 0.5/self.planet.wind_dlon/24/3600 dtMax = np.floor(dtMax*1e5)/1e5 print('Use a time step of '+str(dtMax)+' or less') return (None, None) if T0 is None: T0 = if t1 is None: t1 = t0+self.planet.orbit.Porb if dt is None: dt = self.planet.orbit.Porb/100. times = (t0 + np.arange(int(np.rint((t1-t0)/dt)))*dt)[:,np.newaxis] TAs = self.planet.orbit.true_anomaly(times)[:,:,np.newaxis] if self.planet.orbit.e==0 and self.planet.orbit.obliq==0: Fin = self.planet.absorptivity*self.Fin()[0] else: Fin = None if verbose: print('Starting Run') maps = T0[np.newaxis,:] # Soften the blow on the NEQ ODE if self.planet.plType == 'bell2018' and self.neq and np.all( == 0.: = h2.dissFracApprox(T0, *self.planet.cpParams) if progressBar: from tqdm import tnrange iterator = tnrange else: iterator = range for i in iterator(1, len(times)): newMap = (maps[-1]+self.ODE(times[i], maps[-1], dt, TAs[i], Fin, lookup))[np.newaxis,:] newMap[newMap<minTemp] = minTemp if intermediates: maps = np.append(maps, newMap, axis=0) else: maps = newMap[-1], times[-1,0]) if self.planet.plType == 'bell2018' and not self.neq: = h2.dissFracApprox(, *self.planet.cpParams) if not intermediates: times = times[-1] if verbose: print('Done!') return times, maps
[docs] def plot_lightcurve(self, t=None, T=None, TA=None, bolo=True, tStarBright=None, wav=4.5e-6, allowReflect=False, allowThermal=True, lookup=True): """A convenience plotting routine to show the planet's phasecurve. Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days with shape (t.size,1). If None, will use 1000 time steps around orbit. T (ndarray, optional): The temperature map in K with shape (1, if the map is constant or (t.size, If None, use instead. TA (ndarray, optional): The true anomaly in radians. bolo (bool, optional): Determines whether computed flux is bolometric (True, default) or wavelength dependent (False). tBright (ndarray): The brightness temperature to use if bolo==False. wav (float, optional): The wavelength to use if bolo==False. allowReflect (bool, optional): Account for the contribution from reflected light. allowThermal (bool, optional): Account for the contribution from thermal emission. lookup (bool, optional): Use lookup tables to speed up computation of bolometric flux (default=True). Returns: figure: The figure containing the plot. """ if self.planet.orbit.e != 0. and (T is None or t is None): print('Warning: Maps and times must be entered for eccentric planets. Failing to do so'+ ' will result in non-sensical lightcurves.') return None if t is None: t =, self.planet.orbit.Porb, 1000) else: t = t.flatten() if self.planet.orbit.e == 0: x = self.get_phase(t) else: x = t%self.planet.Porb if T is None: T =[np.newaxis,:] t = t.reshape(-1,1,1) order = np.argsort(x) x = x[order] t = t[order] if T.shape[0] != 1: T = T[order] lc = self.lightcurve(t, T, TA, bolo, tStarBright, wav, allowReflect, allowThermal, lookup)*1e6 plt.plot(x, lc) if self.planet.orbit.e == 0: plt.gca().axvline(self.get_phase_eclipse(), c='k', ls='--', label=r'$\rm Eclipse$') if self.planet.orbit.e != 0: plt.gca().axvline(self.planet.orbit.t_ecl, c='k', ls='--', label=r'$\rm Eclipse$') plt.gca().axvline(self.planet.orbit.t_peri, c='red', ls='-.', lw=2, label=r'$\rm Periastron$') plt.legend(loc=8, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,1), ncol=2) plt.ylabel(r'$F_p/F_*\rm~(ppm)$') if self.planet.orbit.e == 0: plt.xlabel(r'$\rm Orbital~Phase$') else: plt.xlabel(r'$\rm Time~from~Transit~(days)$') if self.planet.orbit.e != 0: plt.xlim(0, self.planet.Porb) else: plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylim(0) return plt.gcf()
[docs] def plot_tempcurve(self, t=None, T=None, TA=None, bolo=True, tStarBright=None, wav=4.5e-6, allowReflect=False, allowThermal=True, lookup=True): """A convenience plotting routine to show the planet's phasecurve in units of temperature. Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days with shape (t.size,1). If None, will use 1000 time steps around orbit. Must be provided for eccentric planets. T (ndarray, optional): The temperature map in K with shape (1, if the map is constant or (t.size, If None, use instead. Must be provided for eccentric planets. TA (ndarray, optional): The true anomaly in radians. bolo (bool, optional): Determines whether computed flux is bolometric (True, default) or wavelength dependent (False). tBright (ndarray): The brightness temperature to use if bolo==False. wav (float, optional): The wavelength to use if bolo==False. allowReflect (bool, optional): Account for the contribution from reflected light. allowThermal (bool, optional): Account for the contribution from thermal emission. lookup (bool, optional): Use lookup tables to speed up computation of bolometric flux (default=True). Returns: figure: The figure containing the plot. """ if self.planet.orbit.e != 0. and (T is None or t is None): print('Warning: Maps and times must be entered for eccentric planets. Failing to do so'+ ' will result in non-sensical lightcurves.') return None if t is None: t =, self.planet.orbit.Porb, 1000) else: t = t.flatten() if self.planet.orbit.e == 0: x = self.get_phase(t) else: x = t%self.planet.Porb if T is None: T =[np.newaxis,:] order = np.argsort(x) x = x[order] t = t[order] if T.shape[0] != 1: T = T[order] lc = self.lightcurve(t, T, TA, bolo, tStarBright, wav, allowReflect, allowThermal, lookup) tc = self.invert_lc(lc, bolo, tStarBright, wav) plt.plot(x, tc) if self.planet.orbit.e == 0: plt.gca().axvline(self.get_phase_eclipse(), c='k', ls='--', label=r'$\rm Eclipse$') if self.planet.orbit.e != 0: plt.gca().axvline(self.planet.orbit.t_ecl, c='k', ls='--', label=r'$\rm Eclipse$') plt.gca().axvline(self.planet.orbit.t_peri, c='red', ls='-.', lw=2, label=r'$\rm Periastron$') plt.legend(loc=8, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,1), ncol=2) if bolo: plt.ylabel(r'$T_{\rm eff, hemi, apparent}\rm~(K)$') else: plt.ylabel(r'$T_{\rm b, hemi, apparent}\rm~(K)$') if self.planet.orbit.e == 0: plt.xlabel(r'$\rm Orbital~Phase$') else: plt.xlabel(r'$\rm Time~from~Transit~(days)$') if self.planet.orbit.e != 0: plt.xlim(0, self.planet.Porb) else: plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylim(0) return plt.gcf()