Source code for Bell_EBM.KeplerOrbit

# Author: Taylor Bell
# Last Update: 2018-11-27

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.constants as const
import scipy.optimize

[docs]class KeplerOrbit(object): """A Keplerian orbit. Attributes: a (float): The semi-major axis in m. Porb (float): The orbital period in days. inc (float): The orbial inclination (in degrees above face-on) t0 (float): The linear ephemeris in days. e (float): The orbital eccentricity. Omega (float): The longitude of ascending node (in degrees CCW from line-of-sight). argp (float): The argument of periastron (in degrees CCW from Omega). m1 (float): The mass of body 1 in kg. m2 (float): The mass of body 2 in kg. """ def __init__(self,, Porb=None, inc=90, t0=0, e=0, Omega=270, argp=90, m1=const.M_sun.value, m2=0): """Initialization function. Args: a (float, optional): The semi-major axis in m. Porb (float, optional): The orbital period in days. inc (float, optional): The orbial inclination (in degrees above face-on) t0 (float, optional): The linear ephemeris in days. e (float, optional): The orbital eccentricity. Omega (float, optional): The longitude of ascending node (in degrees CCW from line-of-sight). argp (float, optional): The argument of periastron (in degrees CCW from Omega). m1 (float, optional): The mass of body 1 in kg. m2 (float, optional): The mass of body 2 in kg. """ self.e = e self.a = a = np.pi/2-inc*np.pi/180 self.Omega = Omega*np.pi/180 self.argp = argp*np.pi/180 self.t0 = t0 self.m1 = m1 self.m2 = m2 if Porb is None: self.Porb = self.period() else: self.Porb = Porb
[docs] def period(self): """Find the keplerian orbital period. Returns: float: The keplerian orbital period. """ return 2*np.pi*self.a**(3/2)/np.sqrt(const.G.value*(self.m1+self.m2))/(24*3600)
[docs] def mean_motion(self): """Get the mean motion. Returns: float: The mean motion in radians. """ return 2*np.pi/self.Porb
[docs] def ta_to_ea(self, ta): """Convert true anomaly to eccentric anomaly. Args: ta (ndarray): The true anomaly in radians. Returns: ndarray: The eccentric anomaly in radians. """ return 2.*np.arctan(np.sqrt((1.-self.e)/(1.+self.e))*np.tan(ta/2.))
[docs] def ea_to_ma(self, ea): """Convert eccentric anomaly to mean anomaly. Args: ea (ndarray): The eccentric anomaly in radians. Returns: ndarray: The mean anomaly in radians. """ return ea - self.e*np.sin(ea)
[docs] def ta_to_ma(self, ta): """Convert true anomaly to mean anomaly. Args: ta (ndarray): The true anomaly in radians. Returns: ndarray: The mean anomaly in radians. """ return self.ea_to_ma(self.ta_to_ea(ta))
[docs] def peri_time(self): """Get the time of periastron. Returns: float: The time of periastron. """ return self.t0-self.ta_to_ma(np.pi/2.-self.argp)/(2*np.pi)*self.Porb
[docs] def trans_time(self): """Get the time of transit. Returns: float: The time of transit. """ return self.t0
[docs] def ecl_time(self): """Get the time of secondary eclipse. Returns: float: The time of secondary eclipse. """ return (self.t0 + (self.ta_to_ma(3.*np.pi/2.-self.argp)-self.ta_to_ma(1.*np.pi/2.-self.argp))/(2*np.pi)*self.Porb)
[docs] def mean_anomaly(self, t): """Convert time to mean anomaly. Args: t (ndarray): The time in days. Returns: ndarray: The mean anomaly in radians. """ return (t-self.peri_time()) * self.mean_motion()
[docs] def eccentric_anomaly(self, t, xtol=1e-10): """Convert time to eccentric anomaly, numerically. Args: t (ndarray): The time in days. xtol (float): tolarance on error in eccentric anomaly. Returns: ndarray: The eccentric anomaly in radians. """ M = self.mean_anomaly(t) f = lambda E: E - self.e*np.sin(E) - M if self.e < 0.8: E0 = M else: E0 = np.pi*np.ones_like(M) E = scipy.optimize.fsolve(f, E0, xtol=xtol) return E
[docs] def true_anomaly(self, t, xtol=1e-10): """Convert time to true anomaly, numerically. Args: t (ndarray): The time in days. xtol (float): tolarance on error in eccentric anomaly (calculated along the way). Returns: ndarray: The true anomaly in radians. """ return 2*np.arctan(np.sqrt((1+self.e)/(1-self.e))*np.tan(self.eccentric_anomaly(t, xtol=xtol)/2))
[docs] def distance(self, t, xtol=1e-10): """Find the separation between the two bodies. Args: t (ndarray): The time in days. xtol (float): tolarance on error in eccentric anomaly (calculated along the way). Returns: ndarray: The separation between the two bodies. """ return self.a*(1-self.e**2)/(1+self.e*np.cos(self.true_anomaly(t, xtol=xtol)))
# Find the position of the planet at time t
[docs] def xyz(self, t, xtol=1e-10): """Find the coordinates of body 2 with respect to body 1. Args: t (ndarray): The time in days. xtol (float): tolarance on error in eccentric anomaly (calculated along the way). Returns: list: A list of 3 ndarrays containing the x,y,z coordinate of body 2 with respect to body 1. The x coordinate is along the line-of-sight. The y coordinate is perpendicular to the line-of-sight and in the orbital plane. The z coordinate is perpendicular to the line-of-sight and above the orbital plane """ E = self.eccentric_anomaly(t, xtol=xtol) # The following code is roughly based on: # P = self.a*(np.cos(E)-self.e) Q = self.a*np.sin(E)*np.sqrt(1-self.e**2) # Rotate by argument of periapsis x = (np.cos(self.argp-np.pi/2.)*P-np.sin(self.argp-np.pi/2.)*Q) y = np.sin(self.argp-np.pi/2.)*P+np.cos(self.argp-np.pi/2.)*Q # Rotate by inclination z = -np.sin(*x x = np.cos(*x # Rotate by longitude of ascending node xtemp = x x = -(np.sin(self.Omega)*xtemp+np.cos(self.Omega)*y) y = (np.cos(self.Omega)*xtemp-np.sin(self.Omega)*y) return x, y, z
[docs] def plot_orbit(self): """A convenience routine to visualize the orbit Returns: figure: The figure containing the plot. """ t = np.linspace(0,self.Porb,100, endpoint=False) x, y, z = np.array( tPeri = self.peri_time() tTrans = self.trans_time() tEcl = self.ecl_time() xTrans, yTrans, zTrans = np.array( xEcl, yEcl, zEcl = np.array( xPeri, yPeri, zPeri = np.array( plt.plot(y, x, '.', c='k', ms=2) plt.plot(0,0, '*', c='r', ms=15) plt.plot(yTrans, xTrans, 'o', c='b', ms=10, label=r'$\rm Transit$') plt.plot(yEcl, xEcl, 'o', c='k', ms=7, label=r'$\rm Eclipse$') if self.e != 0: plt.plot(yPeri, xPeri, 'o', c='r', ms=5, label=r'$\rm Periastron$') plt.xlabel('$y$') plt.ylabel('$x$') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') plt.legend(loc=6, bbox_to_anchor=(1,0.5)) plt.plot(y, z, '.', c='k', ms=2) plt.plot(0,0, '*', c='r', ms=15) plt.plot(yTrans, zTrans, 'o', c='b', ms=10) plt.plot(yEcl, zEcl, 'o', c='k', ms=7) if self.e != 0: plt.plot(yPeri, zPeri, 'o', c='r', ms=5) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') plt.xlabel('$y$') plt.ylabel('$z$') plt.plot(x, z, '.', c='k', ms=2) plt.plot(0,0, '*', c='r', ms=15) plt.plot(xTrans, zTrans, 'o', c='b', ms=10) plt.plot(xEcl, zEcl, 'o', c='k', ms=7) if self.e != 0: plt.plot(xPeri, zPeri, 'o', c='r', ms=5) plt.xlabel('$x$') plt.ylabel('$z$') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') return plt.gcf()