Source code for Bell_EBM.StarPlanetSystem

# Author: Taylor Bell
# Last Update: 2018-11-28

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.constants as const
import scipy.integrate
import warnings

from .Star import Star
from .Planet import Planet
from .KeplerOrbit import KeplerOrbit

[docs]class System(object): """A Star+Planet System. Attributes: star (Bell_EBM.Star): The host star. planet (Bell_EBM.Planet): The planet. """ def __init__(self, star=None, planet=None): """Initialization function. Attributes: star (Bell_EBM.Star, optional): The host star. planet (Bell_EBM.Planet, optional): The planet. """ if star is None: = Star() else: = star if planet is None: self.planet = Planet() else: self.planet = planet updatePlanet = False if self.planet.Porb is None: self.planet.orbit = KeplerOrbit(t0=self.planet.t0, a=self.planet.a,, e=self.planet.e, Omega=self.planet.Omega, argp=self.planet.argp,, m2=self.planet.mass) self.planet.Porb = self.planet.orbit.Porb updatePlanet = True if self.planet.Prot_input is None: self.planet.Prot_input = self.planet.Porb self.planet.Prot = self.planet.Porb updatePlanet = True if updatePlanet: planet.update()
[docs] def get_phase_periastron(self): """Get the orbital phase of periastron. Returns: float: The orbital phase of periastron. """ return (self.planet.orbit.peri_time()/self.planet.Porb) % 1
[docs] def get_phase_transit(self): """Get the orbital phase of transit. Returns: float: The orbital phase of transit. """ return 0
[docs] def get_phase_eclipse(self): """Get the orbital phase of eclipse. Returns: float: The orbital phase of eclipse. """ return (self.planet.orbit.ecl_time()/self.planet.Porb) % 1
[docs] def get_phase(self, t): """Get the orbital phase. Args: t (ndarray): The time in days. Returns: ndarray: The orbital phase. """ return ((t-self.planet.t0)/self.planet.Porb) % 1
[docs] def get_xyzPos(self, t): """Get the x,y,z coordinate(s) of the planet. Args: t (ndarray): The time in days. Returns: list: A list of 3 ndarrays containing the x,y,z coordinate of the planet with respect to the star. The x coordinate is along the line-of-sight. The y coordinate is perpendicular to the line-of-sight and in the orbital plane. The z coordinate is perpendicular to the line-of-sight and above the orbital plane """ return
[docs] def distance(self, t=0): """Calculate the instantaneous separation between star and planet. Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days. Returns: ndarray: The separation between the star and planet in m. """ if type(t)!=np.ndarray or len(t.shape)!=1: t = np.array([t]).reshape(-1) return self.planet.orbit.distance(t).reshape(-1,1)
[docs] def get_teq(self, t=0): """Get the planet's equilibrium temperature. Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days. Returns: ndarray: The planet's equilibrium temperature at time(s) t. """ return 0.25**0.25*self.get_tirr(t)
[docs] def get_tirr(self, t=0): """Get the planet's irradiation temperature. Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days. Returns: ndarray: The planet's irradiation temperature at time(s) t. """ dist = self.distance(t) if type(t) == float or type(t) == int: dist = float(dist) return*np.sqrt(
[docs] def Firr(self, t=0, bolo=True, tStarBright=None, wav=4.5e-6): """Calculate the instantaneous irradiation. Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days. bolo (bool, optional): Determines whether computed flux is bolometric (True, default) or wavelength dependent (False). tStarBright (ndarray): The stellar brightness temperature to use if bolo==False. wav (float, optional): The wavelength to use if bolo==False. Returns: ndarray: The instantaneous irradiation. """ return self.planet.absorptivity*, tStarBright, wav)/(np.pi*self.distance(t)**2)
[docs] def Fin(self, t=0, bolo=True, tStarBright=None, wav=4.5e-6): """Calculate the instantaneous incident flux. Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days. bolo (bool, optional): Determines whether computed flux is bolometric (True, default) or wavelength dependent (False). tStarBright (ndarray): The stellar brightness temperature to use if bolo==False. wav (float, optional): The wavelength to use if bolo==False. Returns: ndarray: The instantaneous incident flux. """ if type(t)!=np.ndarray or len(t.shape)==1: t = np.array([t]).reshape(-1,1) return self.Firr(t, bolo, tStarBright, wav)*self.planet.weight(t)
[docs] def lightcurve(self, t=None, T=None, bolo=True, tStarBright=None, wav=4.5e-6, allowReflect=True, allowThermal=True): """Calculate the planet's lightcurve (ignoring any occultations). Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days. If None, will use 1000 time steps around orbit. T (ndarray, optional): The temperature map (either shape (1, and constant over time or shape is (t.shape, If None, use instead (default). bolo (bool, optional): Determines whether computed flux is bolometric (True, default) or wavelength dependent (False). tStarBright (ndarray): The stellar brightness temperature to use if bolo==False. wav (float, optional): The wavelength to use if bolo==False. allowReflect (bool, optional): Account for the contribution from reflected light. allowThermal (bool, optional): Account for the contribution from thermal emission. Returns: ndarray: The observed planetary flux normalized by the stellar flux. """ if t is None: # Use Prot instead as map would rotate t = self.planet.t0+np.linspace(0, self.planet.Prot, 1000) x = t/self.planet.Prot - np.rint(t[0]/self.planet.Prot) if type(t)!=np.ndarray or len(t.shape)==1: t = np.array([t]).reshape(-1,1) if T is None: T = if len(T.shape)==1: T = T.reshape(1,-1) if allowThermal: fp = self.planet.Fp_vis(t, T, bolo, wav) else: fp = np.zeros_like(t.flatten()) if allowReflect: fRefl = self.Fin(t, bolo, tStarBright, wav) fRefl *= self.planet.albedo/self.planet.absorptivity # Get only the reflected portion fRefl = fRefl*self.planet.weight(t, refPos='SOP')**self.planet.rad**2 fRefl = np.sum(fRefl, axis=1) fp += fRefl return fp/, tStarBright, wav)
[docs] def invert_lc(self, fp_fstar, bolo=True, tStarBright=None, wav=4.5e-6): """Invert the fp/fstar phasecurve into an apparent temperature phasecurve. Args: fp_fstar (ndarray): The observed planetary flux normalized by the stellar flux. bolo (bool, optional): Determines whether computed flux is bolometric (True, default) or wavelength dependent (False). tBright (ndarray): The brightness temperature to use if bolo==False. wav (float, optional): The wavelength to use if bolo==False. Returns: ndarray: The apparent, disk-integrated temperature. """ if bolo: return (fp_fstar**self.planet.rad**2)/const.sigma_sb.value)**0.25 else: if tStarBright is None: tStarBright = a = const.h.value*const.c.value/(const.k_B.value*wav) b = np.expm1(a/tStarBright) c = 1 + b/(fp_fstar/(self.planet.rad/**2) return a*np.log(c)**-1
[docs] def ODE(self, t, T): """The derivative in temperature with respect to time. Used by scipy.integrate.ode to update the map Args: t (ndarray): The time in days. T (ndarray): The temperature map with shape ( Returns: ndarray: The derivative in temperature with respect to time. """ CdT_dt = (24*3600)*(self.Fin(t)-self.planet.Fout(T)) if not callable(self.planet.cp): C = self.planet.C else: if self.planet.cpParams is None: C = (self.planet.mlDepth*self.planet.mlDensity*self.planet.cp(T)) else: C = (self.planet.mlDepth*self.planet.mlDensity*self.planet.cp(T, *self.planet.cpParams)) return CdT_dt/C
# Run the model - can be used to burn in temperature map or make a phasecurve
[docs] def run_model(self, T0=None, t0=0, t1=None, dt=None, verbose=True): """Evolve the planet's temperature map with time. Args: T0 (ndarray): The initial temperature map with shape ( If None, use instead (default). t0 (float, optional): The time corresponding to T0 (default is 0). t1 (float, optional): The end point of the run (default is 1 orbital period later). dt (float, optional): The time step used to evolve the map (default is 1/100 of the orbital period). verbose (bool, optional): Output comments of the progress of the run (default = False). Returns: list: A list of 2 ndarrays containing the time and map of each time step. """ if T0 is None: T0 = if t1 is None: t1 = t0+self.planet.Porb if dt is None: dt = self.planet.Porb/100. r = scipy.integrate.ode(self.ODE) r.set_initial_value(T0, t0) if verbose: print('Starting Run') times = np.array([t0]).reshape(1,1) maps = np.array([T0]).reshape(1,-1) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Catch occasional, safe to ignore, and annoying warning warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'The iteration is not making good progress') while r.successful() and r.t <= t1-dt: times = np.append(times, np.array(r.t+dt).reshape(1,1), axis=0) maps = np.append(maps, np.max(np.append(np.zeros((,1)), r.integrate(r.t+dt).reshape(-1,1), axis=1), axis=1).reshape(1,-1), axis=0) if len(times) < np.floor((t1-t0)/dt): if verbose: print('Failed: Trying a smaller time step!') dt /= 10 times = np.array([t0]).reshape(1,1) maps = np.array([T0]).reshape(1,-1) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Catch occasional, safe to ignore, and annoying warning warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'The iteration is not making good progress') while r.successful() and r.t <= t1-dt: times = np.append(times, np.array(r.t+dt).reshape(1,1), axis=0) maps = np.append(maps, np.max(np.append(np.zeros((,1)), r.integrate(r.t+dt).reshape(-1,1), axis=1), axis=1).reshape(1,-1), axis=0) if len(times) < np.floor((t1-t0)/dt): print('Failed to run the model!') if verbose: print('Done!')[-1], times[-1,0]) return times, maps
[docs] def plot_lightcurve(self, t=None, T=None, bolo=True, tStarBright=None, wav=4.5e-6, allowReflect=True, allowThermal=True): """A convenience plotting routine to show the planet's phasecurve. Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days with shape (t.size,1). If None, will use 1000 time steps around orbit. T (ndarray, optional): The temperature map in K with shape (1, if the map is constant or (t.size, If None, use instead. bolo (bool, optional): Determines whether computed flux is bolometric (True, default) or wavelength dependent (False). tBright (ndarray): The brightness temperature to use if bolo==False. wav (float, optional): The wavelength to use if bolo==False. allowReflect (bool, optional): Account for the contribution from reflected light. allowThermal (bool, optional): Account for the contribution from thermal emission. Returns: figure: The figure containing the plot. """ if t is None: # Use Prot instead as map would rotate t = self.planet.t0+np.linspace(0, self.planet.Prot, 1000) x = t/self.planet.Prot - np.rint(t[0]/self.planet.Prot) else: x = t/self.planet.Porb - np.rint(t[0]/self.planet.Porb) if T is None: T =,-1) elif type(T)!=np.ndarray: T = np.array([T]).reshape(1,-1) elif len(T.shape)==1: T = T.reshape(1,-1) lc = self.lightcurve(t, T, bolo=bolo, tStarBright=tStarBright, wav=wav, allowReflect=allowReflect, allowThermal=allowThermal)*1e6 t = t.flatten() x = x.flatten() t = np.append(t[x>=0], t[x<0]) lc = np.append(lc[x>=0], lc[x<0]) x = np.append(x[x>=0], x[x<0]+1) if self.planet.e != 0: x *= self.planet.Porb plt.plot(x, lc) plt.gca().axvline(self.get_phase_eclipse()*np.max(x), c='k', ls='--', label=r'$\rm Eclipse$') if self.planet.e != 0 and self.get_phase_eclipse()!=self.get_phase_periastron(): plt.gca().axvline(self.get_phase_periastron()*np.max(x), c='red', ls='-.', label=r'$\rm Periastron$') plt.legend(loc=8, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,1), ncol=2) plt.ylabel(r'$F_p/F_*\rm~(ppm)$') if self.planet.e == 0: plt.xlabel(r'$\rm Orbital~Phase$') else: plt.xlabel(r'$\rm Time~from~Transit~(days)$') plt.xlim(np.min(x), np.max(x)) plt.ylim(0) return plt.gcf()
[docs] def plot_tempcurve(self, t=None, T=None, bolo=True, tStarBright=None, wav=4.5e-6): """A convenience plotting routine to show the planet's phasecurve in units of temperature. Args: t (ndarray, optional): The time in days with shape (t.size,1). If None, will use 1000 time steps around orbit. T (ndarray, optional): The temperature map in K with shape (1, if the map is constant or (t.size, If None, use instead. bolo (bool, optional): Determines whether computed flux is bolometric (True, default) or wavelength dependent (False). tBright (ndarray): The brightness temperature to use if bolo==False. wav (float, optional): The wavelength to use if bolo==False. Returns: figure: The figure containing the plot. """ if t is None: # Use Prot instead as map would rotate t = self.planet.t0+np.linspace(0, self.planet.Prot, 1000) x = t/self.planet.Prot - np.rint(t[0]/self.planet.Prot) else: x = t/self.planet.Porb - np.rint(t[0]/self.planet.Porb) if T is None: T =,-1) elif type(T)!=np.ndarray: T = np.array([T]).reshape(1,-1) elif len(T.shape)==1: T = T.reshape(1,-1) lc = self.lightcurve(t, T, bolo=bolo, tStarBright=tStarBright, wav=wav) tc = self.invert_lc(lc, bolo=bolo, tStarBright=tStarBright, wav=wav) t = t.flatten() x = x.flatten() t = np.append(t[x>=0], t[x<0]) tc = np.append(tc[x>=0], tc[x<0]) x = np.append(x[x>=0], x[x<0]+1) if self.planet.e != 0: x *= self.planet.Porb plt.plot(x, tc) plt.gca().axvline(self.get_phase_eclipse()*np.max(x), c='k', ls='--', label=r'$\rm Eclipse$') if self.planet.e != 0 and self.get_phase_eclipse()!=self.get_phase_periastron(): plt.gca().axvline(self.get_phase_periastron()*np.max(x), c='red', ls='-.', label=r'$\rm Periastron$') plt.legend(loc=8, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,1), ncol=2) if bolo: plt.ylabel(r'$T_{\rm eff, hemi, apparent}\rm~(K)$') else: plt.ylabel(r'$T_{\rm b, hemi, apparent}\rm~(K)$') if self.planet.e == 0: plt.xlabel(r'$\rm Orbital~Phase$') else: plt.xlabel(r'$\rm Time~from~Transit~(days)$') plt.xlim(np.min(x), np.max(x)) plt.ylim(0) return plt.gcf()